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 7 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Schuyler Colfax"Advanced Search
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Schuyler Colfax of Indiana, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Schuyler Colfax, between 1860 and 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Schuyler Colfax of Indiana, between 1865 and 1880. Creator: Unknown.
Schuyler Colfax of Indiana, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Schuyler Colfax (1823-1885), Before 1885. Creator: Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries.
Portrait of Schuyler Colfax (1823-1885), Before 1885. Creator: Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries.
The Fifteenth Amendment. Celebrated May 19th 1870. Creator: Thomas Kelly.